Spotlight — Yaseen Ali

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You’re currently working for the University of Toronto – tell us about your role as a Learning Strategist at the Centre for Learning Strategy Support (CLSS) and the workshops you have developed:

In my role, I support degree-seeking students in their academic performance and learning development through one-on-one-appointments. When I connect with these students, I find that they are curious about practical elements related to their studies, such as studying more efficiently and taking effective notes. Yet there is another domain that speaks to their emotions and that affects their all around learning—for instance, addressing the roots of their procrastination and reducing stress-motivated productivity—that students are eager to unpack as well.

At our department, learning strategists facilitate workshops on popular topics throughout the academic year,  Continue Reading →

Interview, Spotlight

The role of making and correcting errors in second language learning

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Understanding the role of errors in second language learning is crucial for developing effective teaching strategies. Despite their frequent occurrence, errors are often viewed negatively. However, they can provide invaluable insights into the learning process and serve as potent learning tools. This discussion aims to explore how making and correcting errors can enhance second language vocabulary acquisition, offering practical implications for classroom practices. Errors and mistakes are terms often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings in the context of language learning. Errors are systematic and occur due to a lack of knowledge; they reflect gaps in the learner’s understanding and are often persistent. Mistakes, on the other hand, are occasional lapses that learners can self-correct when pointed out,  Continue Reading →

Assessment, EAP, ESL, Language

An evaluation of the IELTS Academic Writing subtest: Practicality, reliability & validity

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Jointly owned by the British Council, IDP ILETS Australia and Cambridge ESOL, the International English Language Testing System, more commonly known as the IELTS test, is among the most widely recognized English language proficiency tests in the world. Indeed, it is the most popular visa and citizenship test in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (British Council, 2019); and it is accepted by all the universities in Australia and the United Kingdom, more than 3,400 post-secondary institutions in the United States and hundreds of others around the world (British Council, 2019). Serving governments and post-secondary institutions, the IELTS test has, accordingly, two versions, or modules: the General Module, which governments use for visa and immigration purposes; and the Academic Module,  Continue Reading →

Assessment, ESL, Testing, Writing

Utilizing the affordances of an AI bot to facilitate a grammar lesson in an EAP classroom

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In this article, I critically analyze the integration of an artificial intelligence (AI) bot known as Pi (Personal Intelligence), introduced by Inflection AI in May 2023. The insights and implications that I share in this essay represent my observations and reflections as an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) professor at a public college in Ontario. These are not meant to present the results of a formal study but to create a dialogic space to problematize and conceptualize the applicability of Pi as a personal assistant bot to both the professor and intermediate-level EAP learners during in-person class activities. Although the bot has also been used for pedagogical and interaction purposes in class and as part of specific home assignments,  Continue Reading →

AI, EAP, ESL, Language

Anxiety during the Silent Period: Anxiety of the unknown specifically for temporary and refugee claimant students

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This article focuses on the importance of supporting all English language learners, specifically those who endure an added level of stress due to their immigration journey. In this article, I will raise awareness by pointing out the importance of not only being aware of temporary/visa/no status students but also to be more compassionate while teaching them. Moreover, recent numbers such as the number of newcomers, visa students, and study permits will be shared, and the topic of anxiety will also be discussed, with the intention to best support students who are hoping to stay in Canada but do not necessarily have the permit to do so.



The reason for this article is to promote empathy and allow for greater support for newcomers,  Continue Reading →

ESL, Identity, Language, Refugees

Teacher, I write a photograph

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Writers make the blind see. We are talking about readers here. Readers see only what writers show them. I tell my students this, adding that luckily readers can see photographs and it is their job to make good photographs.

Then we get down to business, and I run through a drill that goes something like this.

“Let’s make some pictures: Read these words:  Car—What do you see? Woman—What do you see?  Baby—What do you see?”

“Let’s make some moving pictures. What do you see now? The woman drives the car. The baby smiles.”

I tell them that these are general pictures,  Continue Reading →


Spotlight — Rabia Khokhar

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The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) presented you with the 2021 Anti-Racist and Equity Activism Award. Talk to us about this special moment in your life.

This was such an incredible and humbling moment in my life! I have always been incredibly passionate about equitable education and to receive this award from ETFO; fellow educators was really affirming. I have always been interested in bringing equity theory to practice in tangible, relevant, contextual and accessible ways for students, educators, families and other stakeholders and so to be recognized for doing this work and some of its impact was really exciting and an honour.

One of the things this award recognized was the newsletter I had created around equity topics and book recommendations.  Continue Reading →

Interview, Spotlight

Developing a cross-cultural framework to teach academic writing in the L2 classroom

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It is through interaction with other individuals that people know and understand who they are and their roles and limitations within society (Connell & Wellborn, 1991). Different societies have different values and beliefs that shape their world views from the macro level of ideological structures to the micro level of social activity (The Douglas Fir Group, 2016). For this reason, it is imperative that any individual who desires to write well in each language be able to understand the ideological structures of the chosen culture to communicate appropriately. This article provides an insight into the role that writing plays in the creation of identities and ideologies, and presents a theoretical framework developed by Jim McKinley (2015) to allow learners to develop a cross-cultural writer identity and critical thinking through the combination of socio-cultural theory,  Continue Reading →

culture, Writing

Developing targeted technology standards for Avenue language instructors, programs, and learners: An initiative of New Language Solutions

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In August 2020 a new platform for adult newcomer language instruction was released by New Language Solutions (NLS) on NLS recognized the need for standards to support effective use of Avenue and technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) in online and blended classes. Concluding that existing technology standards from ISTE and TESOL were too broad for their purposes, NLS initiated a project to develop their own technology standards for Avenue stakeholders including instructors, programs, and learners. These would not be performance evaluation tools but rather best used for self-assessment and for guiding local innovation. Here we report on that initiative, which was introduced at TESL Ontario 2023, focusing on the instructor standards as they are currently the most fully developed.  Continue Reading →

Technology, TELL

Transforming assessment for today’s classrooms: A guide to empowering teachers and students

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Assessment serves as the compass guiding educators and students through their academic journey. Beyond mere grading, assessment is a tool that fosters growth and understanding. In this article, tailored for classroom teachers, we will delve into four key elements reshaping the assessment landscape in education: rubrics, e-portfolios, differentiated activities, and metacognitive activities.

The power of rubrics in the classroom

Rubrics, structured scoring guides, offer a unique ability to bring objectivity and clarity to assessment within the classroom setting. They not only provide educators with a standardized approach to evaluate student work but also offer transparency to students regarding the criteria for success.

Consider a writing assignment, where a rubric might assess grammar,  Continue Reading →


Diversity, equity, and inclusion: Dialoguing with TESL Ontario members

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This article reports and comments on findings from a TESL Ontario membership survey and synchronous dialogue session inquiring about challenges and opportunities related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in English Language Teaching classrooms and workplaces. The findings reveal that TESL Ontario members have most frequently experienced ageism and ethnic and cultural discrimination in their interactions with colleagues and students. Member suggestions for enacting DEI principles and practices at work and in class included engaging in self-directed learning activities, linguistically inclusive teaching practices, and formal professional development opportunities.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become buzzwords within and beyond the field of language education, reflecting the ongoing need for social change,  Continue Reading →


Exploring effective professional development for ESL instructors

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Professional development (PD) plays a crucial role in the success and quality of various occupations, including English as a second language (ESL) instruction. However, there is a need to understand ESL teachers’ perceptions of PD, the challenges they face, and their recommendations for enhancing the PD process. This study focuses on language schools in Ontario, Canada, where research on the efficacy of PD events for ESL instructors is limited. By utilizing a quantitative research design with a survey-based approach, data were collected from ESL teachers employed in language schools and institutions in Ontario. The findings reveal that while teachers recognize the importance of PD, there is room for improvement in terms of PD topics, activities, and program relevance.  Continue Reading →