Tag Archives: AI

Wax on. Wax off.

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“Your first draft isn’t an unoriginal idea expressed clearly; it’s an original idea expressed poorly, and it is accompanied by your amorphous dissatisfaction, your awareness of the distance between what it says and what you want it to say.” (Chiang, 2023)

The rise of ChatGPT

Students have always been the subject matter expert in cutting corners; if a new tool or technology gives them the edge, they will take it.

When the internet emerged, educators prophesied the end of originality. They pondered how plagiarism will now exist on an entirely new plain. The teachers had a point. The internet made it super easy for essay mills to exist and recruit customers.  Continue Reading →

AI, EAL, EAP, ESL, Language, Writing

The rise of random task generators in language learning: Embracing the era of randomness

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With the advent of online platforms and resources, English language teaching is undergoing a remarkable transformation. In recent years, researchers have become increasingly concerned that modern educational systems are not stressing higher-order and abstract thinking enough, resulting in a decline in human IQs. A new luminary has emerged to meet these challenges: random task generators. The use of these platforms has revolutionized language learning, stimulating creativity, critical thinking, and authentic language use.

Higher-order thinking, which goes beyond mere memorization and recall, is crucial for fostering intellectual growth. Bloom’s Taxonomy (Lasley 2023) provides a framework that encourages learners to progress through levels of thinking, from basic understanding to more advanced abilities like analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Abstract thinking,  Continue Reading →

AI, ESL, Language, Other